Monday, April 23, 2007

Park perks

The weather has been absolutely glorious of late, and the trees have gone from just budding out to full spring regalia! Becka has taken a lot of pictures lately. Tom has gotten the batteries ready on the film cameras so he and Mom can chip in too. Right now I don't have a quality personal camera, so I just borrow one of theirs when the mood strikes. Downside is--later on I have trouble telling which ones are mine. Hah! I'll put links up to a few at a time so you can enjoy some of our best shots from the various outings. All the first ones will be from Becka's camera since hers is digital (no processing/scanning time delays)

(Clickee for the full-sized images :))

we've been out enjoying the sunshine as often as possible. This year Tom & Mom get to shepherd us into the National Parks as they qualify for the inexpensive pass cards. I used to just buy it but they've changed the system. On the plus side you can go into many more public lands, but they've nearly doubled the price of the regular pass so its good we can get the other ones! Washington's tent is back at Yorktown, finally repaired. Many of the small cannons, muskets, flags, buttons etc seemed to have left. Perhaps they are on loan or being refurbished. I guess I'll ask next time we wander inside the interpretive center. We're staying stocked on picnic supplies, batteries, & bottles of water!

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