Sunday, September 28, 2008

Trusting Him

As we watch the unfolding news, we have been spending a lot of time in prayer for our future, as we look to move beyond the medical trials that have dominated our lives for the last five years (and more!), but we also praying for many of God's people who, like us, are wondering what will come next. Many are rebuilding their lives today, after Ike & Dolly & other storms. Others are weathering the loss of savings they recently would have thought were quite secure. Its not an easy time, but it is an opportunity to grow in faith.

"As The Mountains Are Around" by Lamb, available on Songs For the Flock
(performed well here by a church band)

May this video offer comfort to those whose answer is to trust in the Most High God.

1 comment:

Amber said...

"Its not an easy time, but it is an opportunity to grow in faith."

I needed this reminder today. Thank you. :)