Saturday, April 17, 2010


You can just see the tiger saying, "So roll already, you boring pet... or do you need us to bat you around?" :D

Reminds me of our old Gehnny pig. Put her in the rolling ball and she just looked at you funny. Try to roll her and she'd do this 'weebles wobble' routine and rock it to a stop.

This was Gehnny. A pet store gave her to us because they'd gotten her back and she wouldn't tame completely. They were literally debating about feeding her to an over-sized boa constrictor when I happened to wander into the pet store. The clerk arguing for her life persuaded us to take her home. She was quite a character. She did eventually tame down, but in the early days she demanded much a tiny roly-poly potentate. By the end of her life she had actually become a very sweet guinea pig who adored being snuggled.

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