Sunday, October 07, 2007

Black Powder Weekend

We finally felt well enough to attend one of the many history-centric events held around here. It helped that this one was very close. Had a great time! Spent hours especially with the fella who taught a little geology while making spear & arrowheads, the Tinker's wagon, the ladies who did their own weaving, with the Royal Rangers from the 1750's era, and with a 18thC Surgeon guy (but not his usual homeschooling assistants who had caught cold and somehow didn't seem enthused about trying any of his many early remedies. ::grin::).

William chose a tin cup like the one Laura and her sisters got for Christmas in the Little House stories. Additionally, he was given some neat stone bits (including one 'near' arrowhead) from the knapper and a tin 'icicle' ornament by the tinker for listening so politely. His grandmother was thrilled with DS's ornament as she says this is the only sort of 'tinsel' her grandmothers would allow on their Christmas trees. She hadn't seen one in decades! Its very sharp so we've set it aside for now.

Mom got herself handwoven bookmarks. Becka got herself a candleholder/lamp surrounded by glass, and I got a sort of carryable sconce that the tinsmith insists is an exact reproduction of the ones used by early spelunkers in the Shenandoah caves. He says his wife's grandfather made the ones used & shown in photos at the turn of the 20th century by hobbyist explorers. He used the old sconces as models for his new ones. Very cool!

We took plenty of photos of the events there and a couple of short movies of the geologist guy playing his bagpipes. I may get that up here soon too. :))

Afterward we went to the new Mexican restaurant in the county. My hubby and I had tried them before and found the food to be very good. Mom is from Texas so I was determined to get her to come sometime so she could give her expert opinion. She finally came & was very pleased by the food and the decor. What a great way to end the day!

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